With Local Share, you can share your files on your local network.
How to share your files:
1) Make sure the sender and receiver are connected to the same network via wifi or mobile hotspot.
2) Select the files you want to send. This can be done either by opening the app and pressing "Add files" or by using the share button in another application.
3) Press "Send".
4) On the receiver's device, press listen.
5) Open the package of files you like to receive and press "Receive all"
Your files should then be transferred!
The default storage location is the download folder of your device, but this can be changed in the app.
A Bèta version of the desktop application can be found on our website (link in credits section of app).
Handy about this app is that you do not need to keep it open while the files are transferred and there's absolutely no size limit, just make sure you can store the file, but even that is being checked by the application.
None of your data is sent to other locations than the receiver, you do not even need an internet connection to use this applicition, just a local network. This also means that there are never any costs for you.
On top of all of this, the app is completely free and there are no ads.
Why use a USB, a hard drive or internet to transfer files between devices, when you can use local share?